Health & Wellness

Wellness is important for individuals, families and corporate entities. Ignoring this will eventually result in poorer health conditions for oneself or the bottom line of a company. Investing in wellness has greater returns in terms of reduced absenteeism, lower turnover, increased productivity, comradery, community, competitive nature and overall corporate and community culture. We invite you to add Corporate Sports Inc. as a go-to resource when it comes to searching for team spirit, wellness and fun at home and abroad. As we continue to add more services and service providers, we hope you can refer or suggest a person or company who believe in the value of being well at home, work and play.

Start your search now. Type in a sport, wellness benefit (ie. massage therapy, dentist, weight loss, spa, etc), or an event interest and start the process discovering or contributing to the cause. If you do not find what you are looking for, make a suggestion or refer someone you know who will share their knowledge and expertise with those in need.

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Great! We will keep in touch. Feel free to suggest someone you know who works in the wellness industry by clicking “Suggest a wellness provider”. As a thank you, we would like to give you with 10 Corporate Sports Coins which you can use when registering for future events or buying any of our online items.

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